The Art of Volume: How Many Rows of Genius Volume Weft Do You Need?

In the world of hair extensions, volume and length are not just about adding more — they're about creating harmony, balance, and beauty. That's where Alma Hair Extensions' Genius Volume Weft comes into play. But how do you decide how many rows are needed for that perfect transformation? Let's dive into the art of customizing your client's hair with our premium wefts.

Understanding Genius Volume Weft

Before we decide on the number of rows, let's appreciate the craftsmanship behind Genius Volume Weft. Each weft packs 145 grams of the finest Russian Remy hair, 30 inches wide, ready to create a luxurious mane. It's not just hair; it's a promise of quality and confidence.

Deciding on the Rows

  1. One Row - Subtle Elegance
    For those seeking a natural enhancement, one row offers a touch of volume and a whisper of length. It's perfect for clients looking for a minor change that speaks volumes, adding about 2 to 3 inches more than their natural hair. It's simplicity and elegance wrapped in one.

  2. Two Rows - Balanced Beauty
    Two rows are where volume meets length in a beautiful symphony. This option suits those with medium-density hair who desire both a visible length increase (adding 3 to 6 inches) and a fuller body. It's the go-to for a look that's both transformative and harmonious.

  3. Three Rows - The Dreamer's Choice
    Three rows of Genius Volume Weft mean you're no longer bound by the limitations of natural hair. This is for the dreamers, the trendsetters, the ones who want their hair to make a statement. The result? A full, voluminous style that captures attention and hearts.

Personalization at Its Finest

Every client is unique, and so should be their hair extensions. That's why Alma Hair Extensions offers customization that respects individual needs and desires. Whether it's one, two, or three rows, each application is a personal journey to achieving the look that best suits the client's vision.

Your Next Step

Ready to bring these options to your clientele? Sign up for an Alma Hair Extensions Pro Account today. Get exclusive access to professional discounts, tips, and all the support you need to elevate your salon services.

As stylists, we are not just transforming hair; we are unlocking dreams. With Alma Hair Extensions, every addition is a step toward perfection.